Mitigating Seasonal Workplace Risks

I think that most of us are guilty on occasion of assuming workplace risks are stagnant, however with the change of seasons, risks can also change.

This is true with the arrival of spring in the UK, as several workplace risks can emerge that may not have been observable before. So here are some key risks to be aware of and how to mitigate them:


  1. Allergies and Hay Fever: The increase in pollen can trigger allergies and hay fever in employees, leading to symptoms like sneezing, itchy eyes, and fatigue. Employers can help by maintaining clean air filters in HVAC systems and providing information on managing allergies.
  2. Outdoor Work Hazards: As the weather improves, more outdoor work may be undertaken. This can expose employees to UV rays, increasing the risk of sunburn and skin cancer. Encouraging the use of sunscreen, hats, and access to shade can help protect workers.
  3. Increased Pest Activity: Spring can bring an increase in pests such as insects and rodents. Regular pest control measures and maintaining a clean workplace can help mitigate this risk.
  4. Wet and Slippery Surfaces: Spring showers can lead to wet and slippery surfaces both indoors and outdoors. Ensure that walkways are kept clear and dry, and use appropriate signage to warn of wet floors. Remind staff of the need to wear appropriate footwear to the situation.
  5. Spring Cleaning and Maintenance: Spring is often a time for cleaning and maintenance, which can introduce risks such as exposure to cleaning chemicals and the use of ladders. Proper training and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) are essential.
  6. Hydration and Heat Stress: As temperatures begin to rise, it’s important to ensure employees stay hydrated and are aware of the signs of heat stress. Providing access to fresh water and encouraging regular breaks can help prevent dehydration.


Maybe you can think of others, by being aware of these risks and taking proactive measures, you can help ensure a safe and healthy workplace during the spring season.


Written by Stephen Ellington – Quality & Health and Safety Consultant